Frequently Asked Questions
We’re happy to take this opportunity to answer some of the most common questions parents ask about our school. We hope you find the information you need here. If you have a question that’s not listed on this page, please contact a member of our staff.
What should I do if my child has to miss school?
School absences are disruptive both to the classroom and to your child’s learning, so we ask that you ensure your child’s regular attendance. In the event a student cannot avoid missing school because of an illness or family emergency, it’s important for parents or legal guardians to call the school office the morning of the absence to excuse their child. If parents cannot call, they must send a note with their child upon their return to school. Please understand that without a phone call or note, we will consider the absence unexcused, and that students may be suspended after three unexcused absences. Please refer to our student handbook for more details regarding excused and unexcused absences. You will find our handbook on the
Home page under both the Parent and Student quick links.
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What if my child arrives late or has to leave early?
Promptness to class is extremely important. If a student cannot avoid arriving late, parents must provide a phone call or written excuse to explain the situation. We will treat continued tardiness on the part of any student very seriously in accordance with the school’s discipline policy.
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Can my child eat breakfast or lunch at school?
Big Sur Unified School District is pleased to provide healthy meals at breakfast and lunch time through our PV Garden & Nutrition Program. Students have the option to either purchase meals at school or to bring food from home.
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Will my child have safe internet access while at school?
We take the safety of our students very seriously. Pacific Valley School students have internet access on campus for educational purposes. Access is a privilege, not a right, and students must adhere to our acceptable-use policy, which we have clearly outlined in the BSUSD student handbook. We ask parents to discuss internet safety with their children to be sure they understand how to stay safe online.
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Does Pacific Valley School provide bus transportation for my child?
Yes. We provide bus transportation within in our district boundaries. Please
contact the office for specific routes and schedules.
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